

Matthew DeMarco

Military quickly becoming game of drones

Drones. These days you hear the word and people begin to squirm in their seats. Drones are a hot topic in political circles as people discuss whether or not drone attacks are ethical, and whether or not drones should be allowed to patrol streets here in America.

Media's focus on negativity concerning, unnecessary

As I looked through CNN’s top stories this week, I saw story after story about death, tragedy and coming troubles. Reading through each article, I couldn’t help but notice that there wasn’t a single positive news story to be found.

Loose gun laws will deter would-be shooters

First and foremost, I’d like to express my deepest sympathies to the people affected by the shooting Monday at the Washington Navy Yard. However, this shooting will once again bring gun control to the forefront of the national debate, and it is time to take a different perspective on these mass shootings.

Supply of Â鶹Сòòò½´«Ã½ classes should match demand

Surveying in advance could solve shortage The University of South Carolina prides itself on being the state of South Carolina’s flagship university, providing more than 30,000 students with the tools they need to succeed in college and in life. However, recently one problem came to the surface and manifested itself during registration week.

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	This year, the Proving Ground entrepreneurship competition offers a total of $45,000 in prizes to the winners in three categories: technology, innoation and social impact.

This year, the Proving Ground entrepreneurship competition offers a total of $45,000 in prizes to the winners in three categories: technology, innoation and social impact.

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