

Deveney Williams

Country's censorship incongruous, flawed

Miley Cyrus has dominated pop culture lately with her tantalizing MTV Video Music Awards performance, fascinating tweets and, most recently, an interview with Rolling Stone, in which she questions America鈥檚 censorship policy.

The art of diplomacy triumphs over war

A child scurries to his mother whining, 鈥淪omeone stole my cookie!鈥 The mother wisely responds, 鈥淛ust use your words, and talk it out.鈥 It鈥檚 funny how some things you learn when you鈥檙e young reappear as valuable lessons someone of any age can learn from.

Environment needs protection from exploitation

Exxon Mobil pipeline rupture proof of inadequate environmental regulations About two weeks ago, America was yet again reminded of the devastation caused by major oil companies on our country鈥檚 environment and communities.

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