

Chad Brown

Column: Republicans must rethink social issues

Before going any further, I would like to emphasize that I am not a member of either of the two major political parties in the U.S., I decide who to vote for based on their positions, not their party.

Column: Clowney should be NFL draft's No. 1 pick

Yes, as a Gamecocks fan, I am a little biased. But despite being influenced by seeing Jadeveon Clowney shred through opponents at Williams Brice over the past two years, and being in the stands in Tampa when he delivered the now infamous hit on Michigan’s Vincent Smith, I think he is the best choice for whatever team ultimately ends up with the top pick in May’s NFL Draft.

Column: If US wants to save lives, focus on roadway safety

The recent disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is a horrifying tragedy. The loss of any aircraft during a flight is frightening, but the sheer number of people aboard Flight 370 — 239 in total between passengers and crew members — makes it all the more saddening. With that said, as families and others memorialize the victims, the disappearance should raise awareness about things overlooked in both air travel and transportation in general.

Column: Unemployment rate not final word on economy

To many, the unemployment rate is seen as the one of the most important statistics in evaluating the overall strength or weakness of an economy. This high regard for the unemployment rate is not without its flaws, however.

Criticism of NCAA rule is completely valid

Over the weekend, the outspoken owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, had a few sharp words for the NBA’s rule requiring players to be at least 19 and a year removed from high school before they can be eligible to play in the league.

Judicial activism sometimes necessary to spur change

The debate over the separation of powers in the government is never-ending. When a member of one party is elected to the White House, the other party is quick to accuse the new president of overstepping his authority as head of the executive branch.

Judicial activism necessary element of judge's role

The debate over the separation of powers in the government is never-ending. When a member of one party is elected to the White House, the other party is quick to accuse the new president of overstepping his authority as head of the executive branch. Such accusations aren’t limited to the president, however, as other officials, such as judges, are often accused of doing the same.

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