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Swearingen Evacuation

The Swearingen Engineering building was evacuated Tuesday night after a possible gas leak. The Columbia Fire Department was called in response around 7 p.m. and the building had to be evacuated. Law Enforcement confirmed the suspicious odor was due to paint fumes in the building. Fourth-year electrical engineering student Christopher Smith said he was getting a drink from the soda machine when he noticed police cars outside the building. Moments later, the fire alarm went off and he had to evacuate from the second floor. 鈥淲e heard the fire alarm go off the left side of the building,鈥 Smith said. 鈥淢y friend and I saw two 麻豆小蝌蚪传媒 police and thought 鈥楾hat鈥檚 weird.鈥欌 麻豆小蝌蚪传媒 Spokeswoman Margaret Lamb said the building was open for re-entry at 8 p.m. and no damages were made.

Chemical scare clears Coker

Due to a possible chemical spill, the Coker Life Sciences building was evacuated Monday evening. The Columbia Fire Department was called in response to reports of strange odors emanating from the building and ordered