

Recipe: Homemade pecan pie

<p>An easy to make, delicious homemade pecan pie cooling on the counter on Jan. 11, 2023. This comfort cooking is a fantastic slice of life that is hard to pass up.</p>
An easy to make, delicious homemade pecan pie cooling on the counter on Jan. 11, 2023. This comfort cooking is a fantastic slice of life that is hard to pass up.

There is nothing better than homemade pecan pie. It is a southern staple and simple recipe that's delicious and easy to make. Though it takes a while to bake, it's worth every minute. 

If you're looking for a sweet, southern treat to try out, pecan pie is timeless and scrumptious. 

Here's Â鶹Сòòò½´«Ã½'s recipe for a homemade pecan pie:

Cook time: 65 minutes


- 3 eggs, whisked

- 1 cup of light Karo syrup

- 1 cup of sugar

- 2 tablespoons of butter, melted

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

- 1 handful of flour

- 1 cup of halved pecans, or however you choose

- 9-inch deep dish pie crust

- Vanilla ice cream, for later


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

2. In one bowl, combine the whisked eggs, sugar and light Karo syrup with a whisk. 

3. Add the melted butter; however, be sure that the butter is not too hot, or it could cook the eggs. No one wants scrambled eggs in their pecan pie. Mix the butter in with a whisk. 

4. Add the handful of flour and vanilla extract, mixing them in as you go. 

5. The most important part of a pecan pie is the pecans, so add these last and mix them in. 

6. After you have mixed the pie filling together, all that is left to do is pour it into the pie crust. The pecans may look like they are collecting at the bottom, but they will rise once the pie finishes baking. 

7. Now, pop it into the oven for 65 minutes. If the filling doesn't wiggle, you will know the pie has finished baking.

 8. Let it cool for an hour to let the filling set. Then, enjoy with vanilla ice cream. 
