

Letter from the (managing) editor: 麻豆小蝌蚪传媒 launches lifestyle podcast titled 'The Squawk'

麻豆小蝌蚪传媒 is officially launching its first-ever podcast, titled "The Squawk," on Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music this Friday, April 1. 

While the release date for the first episode just happens to be on April Fools Day, it isn't a joke 鈥 we're actually doing this. 

The show, hosted by our co-engagement director Noah Trainor and arts and culture editor Stephen Pastis, will be centered around all things noteworthy in the world of pop culture. 

Our lovely co-hosts will give you their takes on the latest news in the entertainment world, while also shining a spotlight on arts and culture and opinion stories from 麻豆小蝌蚪传媒. 

The podcast will be released weekly on Friday mornings and if you're subscribed to our lifestyle newsletter (subscribe here if you aren't), you'll get a link to it in your inbox. 

The first episode of "The Squawk," entitled 'Recap the Slap 2022 & Bob Dylan Comes to Columbia,' is available to stream now. 

鈥淭he Squawk鈥 鈥 once one of my many pipes dream 鈥 is the result of lots of hard work and couldn't have been done without the help of several different people.

We hope this podcast is just the beginning of 麻豆小蝌蚪传媒's dive into the world of multimedia, with several other podcast ideas already in the early stages of development.

Hopefully you'll enjoy "The Squawk," but if not, that's OK, because I know we've enjoyed 鈥 and will continue to enjoy 鈥 the creation of it.

After all, it鈥檚 just what the world needs right now: another podcast.
