

Best plants for students

POTHOS- Epipremnum aureums, or pothos, are vining plants that are easy to care for. They tolerate most light conditions, and they require water at least once a week. They also droop when they need water, which owners should use as a guide.
POTHOS- Epipremnum aureums, or pothos, are vining plants that are easy to care for. They tolerate most light conditions, and they require water at least once a week. They also droop when they need water, which owners should use as a guide.
SNAKE PLANT- Sansevieria, better known as a mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant, is a hardy houseplant. There are several different types, and they can tolerate most light conditions. Not only do they need very little water, but they can also handle being forgotten. It is recommended that they be watered only when the soil is completely dry. If you have low light, the darker shades of the snake plant will do the best in your home.
SNAKE PLANT- Sansevieria, better known as a mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant, is a hardy houseplant. There are several different types, and they can tolerate most light conditions. Not only do they need very little water, but they can also handle being forgotten. It is recommended that they be watered only when the soil is completely dry. If you have low light, the darker shades of the snake plant will do the best in your home.
ALOE VERA- A special type of succulent is Aloe vera. This type of plant provides a gel that you can extract and use at home the same way you would use a store-bought bottle. Since these are a type of succulent, they don’t require a lot of water. These guys can be watered as little as every three weeks. These are perfect for students with schedules that don’t allow for a lot of time to water plants.
ALOE VERA- A special type of succulent is Aloe vera. This type of plant provides a gel that you can extract and use at home the same way you would use a store-bought bottle. Since these are a type of succulent, they don’t require a lot of water. These guys can be watered as little as every three weeks. These are perfect for students with schedules that don’t allow for a lot of time to water plants.
HOYA- Hoya is a vining plant with 200 to 300 species. They have several different types of leaf shapes, leaf colors and flower colors. The Hoya loves bright indirect light and can even handle a few hours of direct light. Keep in mind that they do not tolerate low light as well as other plants. They should be watered every two to three weeks, and make sure the soil is completely dry between each watering.
HOYA- Hoya is a vining plant with 200 to 300 species. They have several different types of leaf shapes, leaf colors and flower colors. The Hoya loves bright indirect light and can even handle a few hours of direct light. Keep in mind that they do not tolerate low light as well as other plants. They should be watered every two to three weeks, and make sure the soil is completely dry between each watering.
ELEPHANT EAR- Alocasia, a type of elephant ear, is a forgiving plant. This particular plant needs a lot more water than other plants. Water every one to two weeks, making sure that the soil only dries out about half-way. This plant also loves humidity, so plant owners can set the plant in the bathroom after showers every two to three days. It is unique in that it can go dormant during cold months; to prevent this, increase the light and humidity. These plants are also a little sensitive to water, so filtered water is preferred.
ELEPHANT EAR- Alocasia, a type of elephant ear, is a forgiving plant. This particular plant needs a lot more water than other plants. Water every one to two weeks, making sure that the soil only dries out about half-way. This plant also loves humidity, so plant owners can set the plant in the bathroom after showers every two to three days. It is unique in that it can go dormant during cold months; to prevent this, increase the light and humidity. These plants are also a little sensitive to water, so filtered water is preferred.
SUCCULENTS- Succulents are the perfect plant for students with busy schedules. Succulents come in a variety of colors, styles and types. They only need to be watered every two weeks or so, and even when forgotten, they tend to thrive. It's okay to put these guys on your windowsill and forget about them. When their leaves start to wrinkle a little bit, give them some water, and you’re all set.
SUCCULENTS- Succulents are the perfect plant for students with busy schedules. Succulents come in a variety of colors, styles and types. They only need to be watered every two weeks or so, and even when forgotten, they tend to thrive. It's okay to put these guys on your windowsill and forget about them. When their leaves start to wrinkle a little bit, give them some water, and you’re all set.
CAST-IRON- Aspidistra elatior, or the cast-iron plant, can grow just about anywhere. Not only does it require low to medium light, but it also doesn’t need a lot of water. It is recommended that the soil be completely dry before watering and that some humidity is provided every two to three days to give your plant the best chance at growing. This plant also flowers, producing white seed heads.
CAST-IRON- Aspidistra elatior, or the cast-iron plant, can grow just about anywhere. Not only does it require low to medium light, but it also doesn’t need a lot of water. It is recommended that the soil be completely dry before watering and that some humidity is provided every two to three days to give your plant the best chance at growing. This plant also flowers, producing white seed heads.
ARROWHEAD- Syngonium podophyllum, otherwise known as the arrowhead plant, is recommended for low light, which is great for rooms with only one window. To give these plants the best chance at growth, they do require water up to twice a week. As soon as the soil is dry, give your plant a good drink. These plants also love high humidity, so set it in your bathroom while you shower every two to three days to let it soak up that much-needed humidity. Since this is a tropical plant, it will be lush and fast-growing if given the proper care.
ARROWHEAD- Syngonium podophyllum, otherwise known as the arrowhead plant, is recommended for low light, which is great for rooms with only one window. To give these plants the best chance at growth, they do require water up to twice a week. As soon as the soil is dry, give your plant a good drink. These plants also love high humidity, so set it in your bathroom while you shower every two to three days to let it soak up that much-needed humidity. Since this is a tropical plant, it will be lush and fast-growing if given the proper care.