

Fire Abusers Gallery

 A marching protestor holds a sign that has the quote, “FIRE ALL ABUSERS” on it, which was written on many signs at the protest. 
 A marching protestor holds a sign that has the quote, 鈥淔IRE ALL ABUSERS鈥 on it, which was written on many signs at the protest. 
Students bring signs to protest the university’s lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
Students bring signs to protest the university鈥檚 lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
Protestors march from Pickens Street Bridge to the President's House holding signs that demand the firing of all professors accused of sexual misconduct. 
Protestors march from Pickens Street Bridge to the President's House holding signs that demand the firing of all professors accused of sexual misconduct. 
 A shot of the crowd as they hold a variety of signs while at their second stop during the march, Gambrell Hall. 
 A shot of the crowd as they hold a variety of signs while at their second stop during the march, Gambrell Hall. 
Students bring signs to protest the university’s lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
Students bring signs to protest the university鈥檚 lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
Students bring signs to protest the university’s lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
Students bring signs to protest the university鈥檚 lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
 A marching protest attendee holds a sign that has the quote “PROTECT STUDENTS NOT ABUSERS” written on it as they march towards President Caslen’s house. 
 A marching protest attendee holds a sign that has the quote 鈥淧ROTECT STUDENTS NOT ABUSERS鈥 written on it as they march towards President Caslen鈥檚 house. 
 Student protestors hold signs directed towards administrators in the Osborne Administrative Building from the courtyard.  
 Student protestors hold signs directed towards administrators in the Osborne Administrative Building from the courtyard.  
Students bring signs to protest the university’s lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
Students bring signs to protest the university鈥檚 lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
A protestor on Pickens Street Bridge holds a sign that reads, “PROTECT STUDENTS NOT ABUSERS,” and another has written, “This is not consent” and “hands off” on their body in support of those that accused 麻豆小蝌蚪传媒 professors of sexual misconduct.
A protestor on Pickens Street Bridge holds a sign that reads, 鈥淧ROTECT STUDENTS NOT ABUSERS,鈥 and another has written, 鈥淭his is not consent鈥 and 鈥渉ands off鈥 on their body in support of those that accused 麻豆小蝌蚪传媒 professors of sexual misconduct.
 A marching protest attendee holds a sign that has the quote “[Anger], focused with precision it can become a powerful source of energy serving progress and change” by Audre Lorde written on it. 
 A marching protest attendee holds a sign that has the quote 鈥淸Anger], focused with precision it can become a powerful source of energy serving progress and change鈥 by Audre Lorde written on it. 
Students bring signs to protest the university’s lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct. 
Students bring signs to protest the university鈥檚 lack of response toward professors accused of alleged sexual misconduct.