

Column: 6 college student Tinder tropes to avoid

Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps amongst college students. It鈥檚 where people go to make friends, find romantic partners or even just to browse local profiles.

But its popularity can cause users to be met with a ton of similar profiles with similar characteristics. In order to draw viewers to your profile, it is important to stand out as unique. Avoiding these common tropes is just the way to do it.

Guys posing with dead animals

It is all too common that guys will strike a pose with an animal they鈥檝e caught or killed 鈥 usually fish and deer 鈥 and put it on their profile with the assumption that others will find it attractive. While hunting is an interesting hobby, perhaps parading one鈥檚 gory catch around isn鈥檛 necessarily the best way to make a good first impression on potential partners.

But here in South Carolina, hunting is very popular. Showing off one's catch can bring them a sense of pride. Including one picture of yourself with a catch isn't necessarily a bad thing, but don't make it the entirety of your profile, for it can become redundant.

Group photos

There are benefits as well as drawbacks to including group photos on a Tinder profile. On one hand, they are a great way to show that you have friends, that you're sociable and that you're fun to be around. But on the other hand, they can make it hard to differentiate who the owner of the profile is.

If college students elect to put group pictures in their Tinder profiles, the best bet is to do so toward the end so that users will already know whose profile they are on. This way, confusion is avoided, but you are still able to show off all your friends.

Gym mirror selfies


What鈥檚 a Tinder profile without a good selfie in a gym mirror? Lots of students choose to include pictures from the gym to display their healthy lifestyle or love for fitness. And while there is nothing wrong with that, having too many gym pictures can get old.

It becomes monotonous and makes users wonder if you have a life outside of the gym. If you must include a gym mirror selfie, it鈥檚 best to stick to one or two so as to not come across as vain.

Cheesy captions

The caption is arguably one of the most important aspects of a well-rounded Tinder profile. It鈥檚 a space where you can be creative and grab people's attention, but some phrases are just too overused to be original. There should be no more, 鈥淚鈥檓 here for a good time, not a long time,鈥 or a Snapchat username followed by, 鈥淎dd me.鈥

If someone鈥檚 goal is to stand out amongst the rest, then the caption is the best place to start. A photo can only express so much. Say something witty, say something meaningful or just say something random! The point is to write a caption that will entice others and make your profile memorable.

No face pictures

A face picture is an absolute necessity when it comes to crafting a good Tinder profile. While looks are not everything, users are undoubtedly influenced by first appearances.

If there鈥檚 no face pictures on your profile, people might be hesitant to swipe right on it. This is the perfect opportunity to connect with people who are attracted to your physical features.

No recent pictures

Another thing to keep in mind when considering what pictures to include is making sure to choose ones that are recent. The Tinder experience should be authentic, and using pictures from years ago can be misleading.

If you wish to attract people and genuinely connect with them, using photos from high school might not be the right way to start off. No one wants to be catfished.

Ultimately, there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these Tinder tropes. Just because some college students might exhibit one of these on their profile does not mean they are 鈥渄oing it wrong.鈥 But when it comes to the dating realm, having that witty caption or perfect first picture will be sure to leave a lasting impact on other users.

So if college students want to avoid that swipe left, they should consider avoiding these common Tinder tropes.
