

Reedy Newton wins student body president in runoff election

<p>President-elect Reedy Newton celebrates with her team on March 2, 2022, on Greene Street. Newton was a member of the “The Future Is…” campaign with vice president-elect Maia Porzio.</p>
President-elect Reedy Newton celebrates with her team on March 2, 2022, on Greene Street. Newton was a member of the 鈥淭he Future Is鈥︹ campaign with vice president-elect Maia Porzio.

The race for a new student body president came to a conclusion Wednesday night, with Reedy Newton beating Gurujjal Roopra in the runoff election. 

鈥淭his has been a crazy, exhilarating experience. I would be lying if I said it wasn't exhausting, but it's just so worth it for the students and for the future of the university. So I just want to thank every student out there who came out and voted and showed their support for us,鈥 Newton, a third-year marketing student, said.

Newton is the daughter of Republican state representative Weston Newton and 麻豆小蝌蚪传媒 board of trustees member Rose Buyck Newton. 

Newton ran on a ticket with Maia Porzio under a campaign named 鈥淭he Future is鈥." Porzio was elected vice president and Noah Glasgow was elected speaker of the student senate last week. Glasgow endorsed Newton earlier this week. 

鈥淚t still feels really good and unreal I think even a week later, and it鈥檚 really rewarding now to just see Reedy's dream come to fruition, as well, and being able to be there through it with her,鈥 Porzio said. 

Roopra, who ran as "The Catalyst Campaign" with vice presidential candidate Faith Gravely, said she is looking forward to seeing what happens going forward. 

鈥淚've put in a lot of work and a lot of love into this. So I'm sure I'll find a place where I can be just as impactful 鈥  whether it's in student government or not. And I'm wishing President-elect Newton the best going forward,鈥 Roopra, a third-year public health student, said. 

As for her new position, Newton said she is excited to fulfill her campaign promises.

鈥淚'm so excited to work with my running mate Maia Porzio, and combine the office of the vice president and president and bring back transparency and communication into Student Government specifically, and work on completing those platform points that we ran on,鈥 Newton said.
