

Column: Value all relationships this Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not just a day to celebrate your significant other, but a day to value all relationships in your life. 

For some, Valentine's Day is a great holiday. Those in a relationship get to show love to their partner with the potential for some really great gifts. But for the rest of us, it's a day to remember just how lonely your bed is. 

If you are single this Valentine's Day, you are not alone.  are single as of August 2020, according to The Pew Research Center. Don't let those in a relationship own this holiday; Valentine's Day is for everyone. 

Feb. 14 should be a day where you show your friends, family and loved ones how much you appreciate and value that relationship 鈥 a celebration of love in all its forms.

It鈥檚 not a great feeling being single and seeing cute couples everywhere on Valentine's Day. That will always be the truth and that鈥檚 okay. Choosing to celebrate all the love in your life will make this day so much more likable. 

It's so easy to surrender to spending Valentine's Day alone, watching rom-coms and eating the entire Ben and Jerry's carton. Instead of doing this alone, invite your friends. It鈥檚 so important to have friends around any day, but celebrating the day of love with them, like first-year psych student Savannah South 鈥 who is single 鈥 makes the day so much better. 

鈥淚 think it definitely helps not being alone on Valentine鈥檚 Day. I think just hanging out with friends is so crucial in general," South said. "It鈥檚 nice to have people who support you, and that you can just do fun things with.鈥 

Acknowledging that you appreciate a friendship just by giving a simple gift or celebrating the day together can mean the world. Whether that鈥檚 sitting on the couch watching 鈥10 Things I Hate About You鈥 and eating a heart-shaped pizza or going out for a night of dancing, it doesn鈥檛 matter as long as you are with your friends. 

鈥淚 think that it鈥檚 very important to take time out of your busy schedule to spend time with the people that are special to you on special occasions,鈥 said Ben Epting, a second-year finance major, who is "somewhat" in a relationship. 

To have a supportive partner there when you need a shoulder to cry on is crucial. It鈥檚 so hard going through life without at least one person that鈥檚 there through the ups and downs. Take the time to tell your friends you love them and spend time with them, like second-year psychology student Elena Potocin, even if you are in a romantic relationship. 

"If you have a significant other, I think it can be important to spend time with them, but then getting together with them and (with) your other friends, I think that can be really fun," Potocin said. 

This goes for family members, too. It can be easy in college 鈥 especially if you are far away from home 鈥 to forget to let your parents or siblings know that you are thinking about them and love them. If you live close to home or have the weekend free, pay a visit to your family and tell them how much you love them. 

Valentine鈥檚 Day should be about love in any and all forms, whether you are in a romantic relationship or not. It is the day of love. 

It鈥檚 the day to tell the people in your life how valued and special they are. This Valentine's Day, tell your friends how much you value that relationship, tell your partner what they mean to you, call your mom and tell her you miss her. Take the time with the people you love to make sure that they know how much you love them. 
