

In our opinion: Senator absence at bill proposal unacceptable

As yet another semester comes to an end, we understand our fellow students are busy finishing up classes and other academic commitments.

However, in student senate鈥檚 final and arguably most important meeting of the semester, we find it rather troubling that only 32 (out of 48) senators took the time to show up and vote on a bill concerning Student Government鈥檚 budget for the upcoming year.

The bill, which passed unanimously, would radically alter the way student organizations are able to request funds. Instead of being appropriated money at the very beginning of the semester, organizations will now be able to request funding as early as five weeks in advance.

Senate won鈥檛 vote on the matter until the fall, but it鈥檚 comforting to know SG is listening to the student body, which has expressed frustration with the current process that requires leaders to request funds an entire semester in advance. This new bill has the potential to cut wasted funds and help groups across campus cover their more impromptu needs.

But the bill could have easily failed to pass had only one senator said 鈥渘o鈥 in what requires a two-thirds vote, given that one-third of senate was absent during the proposal. While we don鈥檛 know why some didn鈥檛 show up or bother sticking around for the entire meeting, we doubt many of those excuses are legitimate enough to justify missing an important vote that affects the entire student body. We鈥檙e all busy, but even if the last few days of school are winding down, responsibilities must be seen through.

We can only hope our senators, elected by their peers, begin to take their jobs and responsibilities more seriously next semester.
