

In our opinion: Police presence at Cup beneficial for safety

It’s that time of year again, when thousands of floppy-hat-wearing and seersucker-clad southerners flock to the horse races that have become as much about drinking and socializing as the horses that run. Saturday, the annual Carolina Cup weekend begins again, but this year, students aren’t the only ones flocking down to the racetracks in eager groups. South Carolina police are as well, and they’re not interested in the race either.

Over the years, the cup has been a breeding ground for underage drinking and fights, and police presence this year will be stronger than ever. With undercover police and new installations of aerial cameras on the grounds to keep a better eye on the crowd, South Carolina law enforcement has convened to crack down harder than ever. Columbia alone is sending 15 officers, Â鶹Сòòò½´«Ã½ is sending six and most other counties are sending in their share, too.

This isn’t exactly great news for attendees who are going with the main goal of chugging beers, but we’re glad South Carolina police are working together cohesively to keep us safe during this large event. Keeping thousands of partying, intoxicated college kids out of harm’s way isn’t easy, and it’s good to know that they’re devoting time and energy to these efforts.

That said, to those of us who are attending: Let’s keep it classy and avoid drunken brawls or getting arrested. We may not be going for the horses (let’s be real), but we can still party safely and responsibly.
